Everyone wants to be engaged in a promising team, and every leader wants to build an effective team. But here comes the question: what makes an effective team?
Tag Archives: Leadership
5 Secrets to Creating a Great and Effective Workplace

As a working manager, you understand the importance of creating a thriving workplace. It’s not a secret that creating a comfortable place where employees want to work and make contributions to the company can reduce turnover rates. In fact, transforming a dull 9-5 daily routine into a productive environment for employees doesn’t even have to be rocket science. Not by a longshot.
Evolving your Group into a Team

It’s game time; everything you’ve worked towards for the past semester culminates in one hour-long presentation. Sweaty palmed, you fix your tie, start up the power point presentation, take one last big, deep breath and face the panel of executives sternly sitting in a row across from you. Nerves almost take hold, but you look behind you and find solace in the faces of your team members. Everyone has done his or her part; you’ve rehearsed this a million times and you all trust each other to deliver the best presentation of your lives. Facing the judges, you begin the introduction: